Barriers to accessing an education in science are greater for tauira Māori than non-Māori, and such barriers are compounded within te reo Māori immersion schools due to the scarcity of te reo Māori speaking kaiako pūtaiao. Consequently, there are educational inequities in exposure to science subjects for Māori secondary students. This not only leads to missed opportunities for Ngāi Māori but also for the science workforce, where Māori represent a mere 4% of the health research workforce. In acknowledgment of the vast health inequities existent for Māori, it is imperative to enhance efforts to increase the Māori scientific and health research workforce.
Established in 1985, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hoani Waititi Marae was the first kura kaupapa Māori and currently provides education from pre-school age 0 to year 13 for whānau residing in West Auckland. Demonstrating career pathways in science has the potential to positively impact the future careers of tauira as well as address the critical underrepresentation of Māori in health fields.
This project will demonstrate what a career in science and pandemic responsiveness entails to rangatahi senior students within Te Wharekura o Hoani Waititi Marae.