Lifting immunisation rates in vulnerable communities within Waikato and Counties Manukau regions

This strategic project is an evaluation in collaboration with iwi, hapuu, Maaori providers, Pacific providers and whaanau to understand the effectiveness of currently delivered childhood immunisation services and initiatives for Maaori and Pasifika children (birth to five-years-old) and determine ways to increase immunisation rates.

Paerangi and Mama Sheryl landscape
Principal Investigator
Riki Nia Nia and Shaun Ackroyd
Te Rau Ora
Public Contact
Kim Thomas
Project Timeframe/Status
In Process

Summary of Research

This strategic project is an evaluation in collaboration with iwi, hapuu, Maaori providers, Pacific providers and whaanau to understand the effectiveness of currently delivered childhood immunisation services and initiatives for Maaori and Pasifika children (birth to five-years-old) and determine ways to increase immunisation rates.

The project focuses on the Counties Manukau and Waikato regions, where immunisation rates for Māori children are below fifty percent and are home to the largest Māori and Pasifika communities, but research findings will have relevance across the country

Research Impact

Immunisation rates for Māori children are below fifty percent in the Counties Manukau and Waikato areas; a situation that has persisted for several years. Immunisation rates for Pasifika children in those regions are also low. 

This project is a dual region evaluation in collaboration with iwi, hapuu, Maaori providers, Pacific providers and whaanau to understand the effectiveness of currently delivered childhood immunisation services and initiatives for Maaori and Pasifika children (birth to five-years-old) and determine ways to increase rates in vulnerable populations.

While the project focuses on two regions, the findings will have relevance for those living in other parts of the country.

Researchers will also explore immunisation rates for whaanau hauaa and hāpu mothers and strategies to boost their immunisation rates.

The results of the project will inform development of a monitoring and information tool for health agencies and communities that enables them to access and track preferred methods of immunisation service delivery.

The project is done in partnership with community, whaanau, iwi, hapu and Maaori and Pacific health providers to understand factors such as the barriers and enablers to immunisation uptake and initiatives to address these. 

Te Niwha

Research Personnel

Ikimoke Tamaki Takarei
Riki Nia Nia
Shaun Akroyd
Louise Were
Laurie Porima

Kirimatao Paipa
Maira Pihema
Riki-Lee Saua
Sheryl Matenga
Maungarongo Tito

Project Status



Counties Manukau

Media Contact

Kim Thomas
Te Niwha Communications Lead / Poutohatoha
027 222 6016 /